The Pithora Art: Sacred Narratives and Heritage

A plethora is generally depicted in terms of a marriage procession of Babo Pithora with Pithori Devi. The most significant of the elements in a pithora are the horses in the uppermost row (usually five, of Ganesha, Babo Pithora, Pithori Devi, Indra (the king of all Gods) and Hudol (the benevolent female spirit) whom they worship. There are other horses…

Distribution of Tribes in Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh is an ethnically heterogeneous State, embracing as many as seven major and a few minor tribes of mainly Hindu, Christian and Muslim faiths. These are mainly the Bhil, Baiga, Gond, Saharia, Agaria, Ahir, Dhoba, Korku, Kol and Muslim. Tribe-wise distributionAfter the division of Chattisgarh from Madhya Pradesh, culturally and geographically the scheduled tribe (ST) population of the latter…

Cultural and Social Fabric of the Tribes of Madhya Pradesh

Baigas Baigas are the acknowledged superiors of the other tribes, they are their priests and authority on all points of religious and temporal observances. Giving a detailed account of the Baigas, Sir G.Grierson* states in his treatise The Tribes and Castes ofCentral Provinces, that “the language of the Baigas of Mandla and Balaghat is a form of Chhattisgarhi which clearly…